Democrats’ new “document requests” are part of a huge “witch hunt” to fabricate charges against President Trump so they can IMPEACH him

One of the Legislative Branch’s most important constitutional functions is to provide oversight of the other two branches, the Judiciary and the Executive. And our founders expected Congress to perform this duty with seriousness and integrity.

When they still controlled the House, Republicans on the Judiciary and Oversight committees did their best to uncover details related to what can only be accurately described as a coup attempt against POTUS Donald Trump — the first such attempt in the history of our republic.

Thwarted by Deep State Leftists throughout the U.S. intelligence community and the Justice Department, GOP heroes like Reps. Jim Jordan of Ohio, Mark Meadows of North Carolina, Devin Nunes of California, and Matt Gaetz of Florida, among others, were able to uncover several details of the plot that, had Hillary Clinton won in 2016, Americans would have never learned about.

But now that Democrats control the House and its key investigative committees, efforts to uncover the remaining puzzle pieces of the Obama-run “Spygate” scandal have come to a screeching halt. 

Now these committees are focused instead on searching for a crime rather than focusing on investigating crimes that were actually committed, as a way of punishing the president and every American who voted for him and continues to support him.

That’s not constitutional oversight; that’s political revenge.

As investigative journalist Sara A. Carter notes:

The House Judiciary Committee’s Democratic Chairman Rep. Jerrold Nadler is a man in search of a crime. Nadler and his colleague House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff have moved the conversation from Russian collusion and are now promising to investigate virtually everything connected to President Donald Trump.

Mind you, we the tax payers will be paying for these investigations and it will drag America and the administration into another two years of endless witch hunts.

Angry and frustrated that special counsel Robert Mueller hasn’t found any evidence of the Deep State’s “Russian collusion” hoax, Nadler, Schiff, and the rest of their partisan Democrat colleagues have chosen to continue perpetuating it nonetheless — no matter how much more division and hate it sows within the country.

Democrats will risk tearing the country apart in an effort to depose or impeach POTUS Trump

Mueller, you recall, was appointed by hoax role player Rod Rosenstein, the current deputy attorney general, as a means of bogging down the Trump administration and the president himself in a cloud of suspicion and doubt. But after two years, the Bobster hasn’t found jack in terms of “Russian collusion” between Moscow and the Trump campaign, so Democrats are happy to fill that void with more baseless allegations and pointless investigations.

Again, this isn’t oversight. It’s harassment. But there’s an end game here, an objective — and Democrats are playing the long game, Carter notes:

Why are Nadler, D-NY, and Schiff, D-CA, promising these investigations? Because they want to impeach Trump. It’s just that simple. They also want to send a message to the American people: Your vote really didn’t matter because in the end it’s Congress that holds the power.

There are other objectives as well. The National Sentinel noted that one of them is to separate the president from his voters, to drive down his approval numbers so low that impeachment will be much easier. (Related: James Clapper comes CLEAN, says OBAMA behind Trump campaign ‘Witch Hunt!’)

Another is to send a message to any potential presidential candidates in POTUS Trump’s mold — that is, anti-establishment, non-Ivy League graduate, populist/nationalist/America Firster: Don’t ever try to win the White House because we’ll do to you what we are doing/did to Trump — destroy you.

If the Democratic/Deep State witch hunt into the Trump White House, which includes his children, in-laws, and anyone ever associated with him, isn’t enough to convince you that We the People have truly lost control over our government, nothing will.

And furthermore, until our leaders feel our wrath at the ballot box, they’re going to continue to ignore us as though we’re only important to them on election day.

Read more about the ongoing Deep State and Democrat coup attempt against President Trump at and

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